Messages from Diverse Sources
Tuesday, June 4, 2024
The New Era Is Opening to You, O People of God!
Message from Most Holy Mary and God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy on May 31, 2024

Most Holy Mary is with you, O Bride of Love.
Live serene, My child, stand in the peace of the Lord, now all is accomplished, the voice of God the Father cries out His justice!!!
It is time for new things, it is time to return to the Father's House! It is time to rejoice for God's children.
Open your hearts to your Creator God, O men, be in love with one another, be men of peace, not of violence. Do not do justice to yourselves.
Beloved daughter, let this message that is being dictated to you today be spread to God's people without taking away a single comma.
Here am I, I am God the Father, the Almighty Yahweh, I come in My infinite mercy to ask you for true conversion; I ask this Humanity to repent quickly.
The Upper Room of the temple has been visited!
God the Father is insistently asking for acts of love for His Work. The Church of God is One and Holy, the Word of God is One and Holy, no one can ever erase a single comma from His Word: the Truth is in God! God is infinite Truth.
Believe and love your Father in Heaven and do not give up His call. He is still calling His beloved people to Himself today, He wants to take them to where milk and honey flow, He wants to give His creature everything of Himself.
Love and self-giving to the Father are the children of God! Instruments in His Hands.
God the Father, the Almighty Yahweh,opens His Dwelling Place to His beloved people:...Israel, My people, holy people, come to Me, behold, My House awaits you, My Holy Heart demands you in Itself, wants to satisfy you with gifts of infinite Love.
Believe in Me, O My people, surrender yourself to Me, do not be afraid to return to Me, ...I AM!!!
No evil will be able to befall you if you abandon yourself to Me, I am the One Who Am, I am the One Who created everything, I am absolute omnipotence, I am the All.
Come to Me, O My people, come and enjoy My infinite Good.
Come to Me, My holy people, come and take refuge in Me. I love you, My people, and I long for your good, I long for your glory in Me.
Come to Me, My blessed child, you will see your life changed, you will be satiated with every good thing that is in Me, you will rejoice in Me because I am joy and love. I am the Eternal Good, I am your Father, My people, God's people!
Listen Israel, give ear, the hour has come to return to the holy fold, you are desired by your Father, He is waiting for you with His open arms, He wants to hold you in His bosom and fill you with His Love.
the time has come, for God's children!!!
The Holy Spirit will fill them with Himself, take them into Himself to be eternally in Himself.
The New Era is opening to you, O people of God! Set yourselves up for holiness, show yourselves worthy to be called children of God! Love your Father and love one another among brothers, let there be no more vanity in you, share all that you possess, for Me, and you will lose nothing: ...soon I will fill you with My All, you will be part of Me and enjoy in Me.
Do not squander this My gift of grace, do not deny Me your heart, your faithful yes.
Work for Me, My children, you have come to the end of this story, the time is now closed, I am already purifying this world, nothing will remain standing. Save yourselves, My children, save yourselves and your loved ones by giving Me your heart, your all for love and I will save you for love.
Operate according to God's criteria and not according to man's.
Love Me and love one another, My children: love, love, love, always love and loyalty.
I long to receive you into Me to enjoy you eternally in Me.
I bless you, My children!
Source: ➥